Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Lecture 7 - From Ancient to Medieval - 200-500 C.E.


Cult of Mithras - eastern mystery religion that arrived in Rome about the same time as Christianity
Essenes - religious group in Palestine
Dead Sea Scrolls - ancient manuscripts
Diaspora - scattering of Jewish people by Romans
Paul of Tarsus - apostle who brought Christianity to gentiles
Peter - disciple chosen by Jesus to head the church
Clovis - king of Franks who converted
Gregory I - 1st great medieval pope
Rule of St. Benedict - govern behaviour of monks
Council of Nicea - called by Constantine to define Christianity
Arius of Alexander - views differed from others who taught Christianity
Vulgate - 1st Latin bible
St. Augustine of Hippo - early philosopher and bishop
Monasticism - havens for practitioners of Christianity
Papacy - center of Christianity in west

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