Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Lecture 6 - Octavian Settlement and the Empire


Caesar Augustus - title taken by Octavian to indicate a new rank in Roman society
Pontifex Maximus - chief priest of Rome
Imperator - another title taken by Octavian
Donatives - money gifts given by emperors to army and Roman people to secure loyalty
Pliny - Roman scientist and writer
Galen - Hellenized Roman who wrote standard medical texts
Parthian Empire - resuscitated empire in the east which challenged Roman power
Publius Septimius Severus - emperor who understood that power came exclusively from the army
Constantine - emperor who reunited the empire and officially recognized Christianity
Constantinople (Byzantium) - new capital city which Constantine created in the east
Adrianople - place of battle where Romans lost to barbarians
Latifundia - great estates of the rich Romans

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