Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Lecture 5 - Growth of the Roman Empire


Imperium - the power exercised by elected officials of Rome
Senate - the advisory body to which aristocrats were appointed
Patricians - the Roman name for aristocrats
Plebians - the ordinary people of Rome
Dictator - an individual who was nominated to have absolute power to deal with crises
Legions - an organization of the Roman army
Manipules - the legion, broken down into groups of 60 and 120
Punic War - the long struggle between Rome and Carthage
Hannibal - the general who led the Carthaginian army
Proletariat - the group of Romans who had no land
Gaius Marius - consul of Rome who led the soldiers to victory
Pompey - Roman general who vied for power in Rome
Gaius Julius Caesar - invaded Gaul and seized Rome
Octavian - Nephew of Gaius Julius who established Roman empire

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