Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Lecture 1 - Early Civilization


Neolithic - transition period to civilization "new stone age"
Tigris / Euphrates - river valley near east where civilization first appeared
Sumer - first civilization in the world
Epic of Gilgamesh - poem which informs us of Sumerian life and values
Hammurabi's code - first written laws
Diffusion - transmission of technology and culture from one people to another
Egypt - Nile-base civilization
Harappa and Mohenjo-daro - NW Indian civilization in the Punjab
Shang - Earliest historical period in China
Zhou - Overthrew and followed the Shang period
Olmec - Early civilization of new world
Maya - Eastern Mexico civilization

Cuneiform - first form of writing, started in Sumer
Civilization - high density strategy by humankind to allow more people to live in a area, wrest control from natural world and allow domination of humanity
Hunter-gatherers cannot store food, they cannot concentrate in large numbers

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